Thanks for taking your time to read out information and reviews on the best shaving creams, that are currently available on the UK marketplace. High quality shaving creams sell really well on the UK market.
Using a cream that is specifically designed for shaving truly makes the world of difference to a wet shave. There are a few reasons for this, which we have listed below.
- Affordability - most of these creams cost between £6-10 and that is enough for around 50 shaves, if applied with a brush. If applied by hand that does fall to around 30 shaves. (We explain later why this is the case) So for a year's shaving the cream will cost around £60 a year
- Convenience - the cream is faster than using a soap
- Skin Protection - Shaving creams protect the skin from the directness of the blade, and at the same time they moisturise and hydrate the skin
If you are in a hurry and simply want to know which the best options are, then directly below we have provided you with a top 15 list of the best shaving creams available on the UK market.
If you have more time, then we strongly suggest you read our buying guide first, before making a purchase.
Table of Contents
All our product recommendations are based on our independent research which we conduct online by reading the many reviews we find at online websites. This review contains affiliate links and we may receive a commission for purchases made.
You can read our affiliates page to find out more and also read about how we write our reviews.
We have listed these creams by showing the highest buyer rated creams first. When we do our research we look at a number of online websites that sell this type of wet shaving product.
We then make notes of the rating each cream gets. We add those up and work out an average percentage score. We then list those in buyer satisfaction order as seen below.
Underneath the table, we offer some quick buying tips, and below that, more detailed reviews of each cream on our list.
Before You Buy - Top 5 Buying Tips
Just before checking out the main reviews, we have provided a few tips just below on buying a shaving cream, that we think will help you make the best choice.
- Buy a Known Brand -Shaving creams have been out for a very long time. The best brands, or at least the most popular are Taylor of Old Bond Street (a British brand) Proraso (an Italian brand) and a new comer known as the Gentleman's Face Club. some of the older classics are also interesting including Palmolive, Benny's, Truefit and Trumpers
- Don't spend too much - These types of creams cost around £10 on average. If you are a beginner to using these, then it may take you a few tries to find the one you like. The scents vary slightly on these so it is always a matter of preference.
- How long does a tub last?- If applied using a brush, a typical 150 gm (ml) tub will last for about 50 shaves. You will need to buy around 7-8 tubs per year. If applied by hand they tend not to last as long, and typically you get about 30 shaves.
- Are creams hard to use? - Nothing could be any easier. The main beginner mistake is using too much cream when starting out. A small amount goes a very long way
- Creams vs soaps vs gels - We get asked a lot which is better a cream, a shaving soap or a gel. We think this is personal preference. Traditional wet shavers will stick with using a soap and brush. A cream is really just a lathered soap so most of the work is done for you. Gels are just easier to find in supermarkets and chemists, though not as good as these types of high quality creams.
Top 15 Shaving Cream Main Reviews
Just below you will find concise reviews of the top 15 shaving creams that are available in the UK. We have listed those showing those that have got the best reviews and ratings from online buyers.
Taylor of Old Bond Street 150g Sandalwood Shaving Cream Bowl
This is a 150 gram tub
Made in the UK
Can be applied by hand or using a shaving brush
This is a huge best seller online in the UK
The cream is produced and sold in the UK and the sandalwood scent is popular with many wet shavers
It is worth knowing that they also do this cream in peppermint, grapefruit, rose and an organic option
Our Opinion: - If you are into wet shaving, then you will recognise the Taylor of Old Bond Street brand as they are world renown for making high quality shaving products. This bowl will last for a long time if used properly. Slightly wet the brush, make 2 or 3 swirls of the cream and apply direct to your face. The lather will quickly build up. Some shavers like to put some of the cream into a shaving bowl and mix the lather up using their shaving brush. Either way works and this is a very good shaving cream that truly softens the beard and makes shaving a real pleasure.
Check Amazon UKAverage Price £10
Taylor of Old Bond Street Peppermint Shaving Cream
79% of all buyers gave this a 5 star review
1% of all buyers so far have given this a bad review
Made in the UK
Contains peppermint, Glycerin and lemon
Most buyers seem to like the scent, and that will certainly be the case if you like the soft peppermint scent
Our Opinion: - This is the same cream we have already mentioned from Taylor of Old Bond Street. Don't worry about the quality of the lather as it is top notch. We found the peppermint a bit sharp for our liking but other buyers really like it. This isn't one we would recommend to anyone with sensitive skin. They would be better sticking with the sandalwood option.
Check Amazon UK Average Price £15
Taylors of Old Bond Street Jermyn Street Collection Shaving Cream for Sensitive Skin
85% of all buyers gave this a 5 star review
1% of all buyers so far have given this a bad review
Made in UK
Perfect for sensitive skin
Subtle masculine scent
Our Opinion: - A couple of the people who write here on our website have sensitive skin. This is the cream that they use and frankly wouldn't use anything else. You can tell from the excellent buyer satisfaction rating that many other buyers feel exactly the same.
A tub like this will last you anything between 4-6 weeks if shaving on a daily basis. The lather on this one is slightly thicker than other Taylor creams and that makes a huge difference to anyone with sensitive skin types. It does a have a very light subtle scent but if you you use an aftershave, then the aftershave still is the main scent left.
Luxury Sandalwood Shave Cream From Gentlemans Face Care Club
74% of all buyers gave this a 5 star review
3% of all buyers so far have given this a bad review
This cream moisturises and rehydrates the skin
Comes in a 150 ml pot of Sandalwood shaving cream - enough for around 2 months worth of shaves when used with a shaving brush
A good choice for men with sensitive skin
With this cream there is no risk of an itch, rash or any type of irritation
Comes with a money back guarantee
Check Amazon UK. Average Price £9
Our Opinion: - Another option for those with sensitive skin and this tub will last you for about 8 weeks if you shave daily. There is no noticeable fragrance to this cream and it offers great skin protection so no need to worry about nicks or cuts.
Taylor of Old Bond Street 150g Almond Shaving Cream Bowl
78% of all buyers gave this a 5 star review
1% of all buyers so far have given this a bad review
Made in UK
Lathers very easily
Has a has a rich smooth almond fragrance sweetened by marzipan, vanilla and a hint of maple syrup
Worth trying to see if you like this one
Check Amazon UK Average Price £14
Our Opinion: - Another good option for those with sensitive skin. This has an interesting scent but don't get too hooked up on that as it doesn't linger for a long time. The vast majority of buyers say it creates a good rich lather and protects the skin which is its main purpose. Our shavers here at the Emporium also like this cream and it stands the test of all the Taylor of Old Bond Street creams.
Proraso Shaving Cream Tube Refreshing
81% of all buyers gave this a 5 star review
2% of all buyers so far have given this a bad review
From the famous Italian Proraso brand
150 gram convenient tube
Contains eucalyptus oil and menthol good for sensitive skin types
No lanolin
Check Amazon UK Average Price £11
Shaving Cream - Benny's of London
84% of all buyers gave this a 5 star review
8% of all buyers so far have given this a bad review
Has a scent of Pomegranate NOIR
Comes in a 150 ml pot
Made in the UK
Creates real thick creamy lather
Check Amazon UK Average Price £13
Men Rock Sicilian Lime Shaving Cream
79% of all buyers gave this a 5 star review
No buyers so far have given this a bad review
100 ml tub
Made with Sicilian lime to nourish your skin
It also has coconut oil for skin hydration
Has top notes of black pepper to give your skin a pleasant yet subtle scent throughout the day.
Ideal for sensitive skin
Check Amazon UK Average Price £13
Peppermint Shave Cream - From Gentlemans Face Care Club
62% of all buyers gave this a 5 star review
No buyers so far have given this a bad review
This cream moisturises and rehydrates the skin
Comes in a 150ml pot of peppermint shaving cream - enough for around 2 months worth of shaves when used with a shaving brush
A good choice for men with sensitive skin
With this cream there is no risk of an itch, rash or any type of irritation
Comes with a money back guarantee
Check Amazon UK Average Price £12
The Bluebeards Revenge Vegan Friendly Barbershop Shaving Cream
82% of all buyers gave this a 5 star review
4% of all buyers so far have given this a bad review
Helps to nourish and moisturise the skin
Has a fresh and classic English barbershop scent with a modern twist
For best results, use a shaving brush
Enough for 1000 great shaves
Check Amazon UK Average Price £30 for 2 tubs
Geo F Trumper Shave Cream - Rose 200gm Tub
90% of all buyers gave this a 5 star review
No buyers so far have given this a bad review
200 gram tub
This is a glycerine based shaving cream
Gives a rich lather
Great choice for coarse skin
Check Amazon UK Average Price £18
How to Use Shaving Cream the Right Way
Like any type of wet shaving, the secret to getting a good shave is all about preparation. This is where a good quality cream comes into play. There are a few different methods of wet shaving which are:
- Cutthroats (Straight razors)
- Safety Razors
- Disposable and Cartridge Razors
- Electric Wet/Dry Shavers
No matter what type of razor or shaver you pick, you are going to need something to lather your face. Shaving cream is one of the best lathers for doing that.
Step 1 - Prepare the Face
Ideally the best time to shave is just after the shower. Otherwise the face or area being shaved should be washed with hot water.
Ideally a hot towel should be used to soak the beard, but we also understand that not everyone will have the time to do that. If you do great, and if not, then make sure it is well soaked.
Step 2 - Use a Shaving Cream
It is important to use a good quality shaving soap, cream or gel. Again ideally this should be applied using a good quality shaving brush.
Shaving cream can be applied by hand (unlike soap) so a good choice for that type of application. It is better though to apply the cream using a shaving brush.
Step 3 - Using a brush
Put a small amount of cream in a jar, mug or bowl, and then get your brush. Make sure the brush is well loaded with warm water. Mix the cream in the bowl using the brush and it will form a stiff creamy rich lather.
Apply this to the face by pushing the bristles of the brush into the bristles.
Step 4 - Shave with the Grain
When using a safety,disposable razor, cartridge or cutthroat it is important to shave with the grain, or in other words, the direction the hair grows in. With an electric shaver that is not important to do. That is because the cutting style of electric shavers is different to shaving with an exposed blade.
We recommend starting with the cheeks first, then the neck and finally finish off with the chin and the mouth.
Step 5 - Apply Moisturiser
When finished wash your face with cold water to close the pores in the skin. Then apply a balm, post shave cream or moisturiser before applying any after shave.
Shaving Cream Buyer's Guide
If you haven't used a proper shaving cream like this before, then our buying guide should really help you out.
When it comes to buying a lubricant for our face, for the purposes of wet shaving, then we have a few choices:
- Shaving cream
- Shaving soap
- Shaving gel
- Shaving foam
Our preferred selection would be a soap, then the cream, then a gel but never the foam or gel. The reason we prefer soap is that it lasts longer than cream. Shaving cream is however the better choice if you want to apply something by hand, rather than having to use a shaving brush. That said, it is always better to use a shaving brush to create a lather quickly.
Shaving cream still sells really well on the UK marketplace and is in fact making a bit of a comeback. For years and years men used shaving soap sticks along with a brush to create a lather which they did in a shaving mug or a shaving bowl. This was the only real option they had until manufacturers started to make creams. The cream is essentially a shaving soap which has been turned into a cream, and that takes a lot of work out of the shaving process.
Shaving cream acts like a barrier between a razor blade and your skin. It lubricates the skin and that lubrication allows the sharp blade to glide over your skin. That stops skin irritation, razor burn, redness and also stops you from getting shaving cuts and nicks.
How long does a tub of shaving cream last?
Most tubs or bowls of shaving cream contain around 150 ml or 150 grams of cream. You only need a walnut sized amount on the end of a brush to whip up a good creamy lather. So if you shave daily a typical sized jar will last you around 4-6 weeks. A jar costs you around £15 on average so in a year you will need about 8 jars so a cost of around £120.
A typical shaving foam or gel costs around £7.50 on average and a typical tin lasts about 6 weeks. So shaving gel is cheaper for sure but just doesn't have the quality of lather or protection that a cream has.
Does shaving cream expire?
if not opened the shelf life of shaving cream is about 2-3 years. Once opened it will last between 6-12 months. The variations in time are really down do the packaging, the actual formula used to make the cream and how it has been stored. All creams will have an expiry date on the packaging so always make sure to check that.
If the cream looks watery, lumpy or has changed colour or developed a bad smell then it has gone past its date and is useless.
Which is better shaving cream or shaving foam?
Shaving cream is light years better than a shaving foam. Shaving foam became very popular simply due to its convenience and very low price point. It is however mainly full of air and a lot of chemicals. Shaving cream produces a much richer and thicker proper shaving lather that actually protects your skin.
It will take a few seconds longer to create a lather from a shaving cream, but believe us, you will notice the difference very quickly. You can do this by hand but cream works so much better if applied using a shaving brush.
Which shaving cream do barbers use?
Modern barbers have once again started to offer wet shaving using a cutthroat razor and it is making a huge comeback in many UK towns and cities
If you have tried that, then the chances are that the barber has used a very traditional Barbarosa shaving cream
The one shown to the right is the original but there is also an Aloe version of this which is better for sensitive skin
Now we know all barbers will not use them so if you like a particular one they use just ask them what it is.
90% buyer satisfaction based on 400+ online buyer reviews
Understanding Shaving Cream Scents
It is fair to say that many men do get a bit confused about the scents of shaving creams. The scent will vary from cream to cream depending on the ingredients. It shouldn't concern you a great deal as none of those last very long. At best the scent will linger for an hour at most. We always recommend using a good quality after shave to get the desired scent that you want.
Hopefully we have given you enough information to be able to pick the best shaving cream for your needs.
Shaving Soap vs Shaving Cream for Safety Razors
Shaving Cream vs Shaving Soap
Best Shaving Cream UK
Taylor of Old Bond Street Shaving Cream UK Review
About the Author
Enda McLarnon
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Thanks for visiting the Shaving Emporium website. This is a shaving website aimed at readers in the UK and Ireland. We are experienced experts and have included lots of information about shaving and grooming, and we have also completed detailed research that helps us write our product reviews. We like to have our information as up to date as possible.
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